For more information please contact the Norwex Consultant who referred you to this site! Otherwise, feel free to email me at . I am excited to help you simplify and healthify your life :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Get the Chemicals OFF of your BODY:)

The Norwex Body Cloth is truly one of my favorite things EVER!  It is so soft and gentle when soaked with water, yet shockingly exfoliating when wrung out.  I have completely quit using soap and deodorant since discovering this cloth.  No more foggy eyes from using baby oil to remove mascara!  Just water and the cloth... simply amazing!!!

My Kids Can Clean!!!

This is definitely my favorite video so far:)  My little mess makers have become incredibly effective mess cleaner uppers since my discovery of Norwex.  Jobs that used to be filled with frustration for my babes, are now simple, quick and successful!  You will be amazed at what your little guys can do with Norwex too!

Happy Mama:)

As a mom of 6 kids, surprise messes are just a part of life.  What possesses a 6 year old to randomly spray hairspray all over a mirror as he helps his little sister get ready for a night on the town?  I don't know the answer to that question, but anyone with kids knows that this is simply how it goes!

Cleaning my mirrors and windows used to be such a major project that when I would finally invest the time to do it, I would feel extremely protective of them staying that way.  It has been such an unexpected gift since discovering Norwex, to not feel so stressed out about clean windows staying clean!  For me, knowing that it will take me less than 2 minutes to polish a large mirror is such a burden lifted.  My home is literally a happier place because of the lightening of my cleaning load!  Oh how I (and my babes) LOVE Norwex!

The Glass Shower is a Pain No More!!!

I LOVE cleaning with just water!  My glass is streak free and absolutely crystal clear with Norwex products.  As a mom, I am constantly looking for ways to multi-task.  It is awesome to take just a couple of minutes when I am already in the shower to get it clean!  Using the polishing cloth to dry my glass every time I get out of my shower is quick and keeps the shower looking beautiful:)

Scientific Proof that Norwex Works!

It is truly amazing how you can remove dirt and bacteria from surfaces with just water and a wipe!  I LOVE cleaning my home with these cloths.  My cleaning time has been cut by literally 75% and I am getting things cleaner and shinier than ever before!  Since starting with Norwex, I have given away nearly ALL of my chemical cleaners! I don't even have to think about walking down that aisle at the store anymore:)  Talk about a great way to simplify and healthify life.